The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly caused concern and uncertainty for US employers, insurers, and TPAs. Below we outline some of the issues facing our clients with general thoughts and considerations of the scenarios presented.

** The National Conference of State Legislatures is tracking all State level legislation related to COVID-19 here.

While we outline potential legal arguments and general guidelines above about how to look at the various scenarios, the reality is we are operating in a rapidly changing environment. We are, of course, actively monitoring and leading discussions of these issues. Our guidance and discussions available at this page will be updated accordingly.  Additionally, each case will need to be evaluated based on the facts to discern the best course of action. We recommend you contact us with any cases which require attention regarding these matters before making a decision, so that we can carefully analyze an appropriate response specific to those facts. Nothing detailed or discussed in this section should be considered to be legal advice.

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